
February 2018

#Winter Overture Multi Agency Search Exercise


On a bitter cold day search teams from Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire, Sussex and Surrey used specialist search skills in a simulated search scenario. Two of our dogs attended: Trainee Search Dogs Rufus with Handler Serena and Op Support Sheila and Trainee Search Dog Merla with Handler Kath and Op Support Laurence.

When the team arrived they ere briefed that a sunday school group had become split up during a game of hide and seek and 9 people were not accounted for. Both dogs were deployed to cover woodland search areas. The teams worked alongside foot searchers, water rescue, drone teams and other dog teams to cover an area of woodland, farm land and lakes. Our dogs showed that hard work and training is paying off when they both successfully located missing people in their search areas.

We send our thanks to Hampshire Search and Rescue for hosting this event providing an amazing opportunity to introduce our trainees to a live search environment. A special thank you is also extended to the wonderful people who gave up their Sunday and volunteered to act as missing people on such a cold day.