Serena Field ……click to read more
Level 3 (Area)

I joined the Dorset Search Dog in January 2016 when Rufus was 18 months old, we passed the introductory course in the May 2016 and this was the start of a long journey to reach an operational standard. We were ready just as the Covid 19 pandemic hit and halted training and assessments. In December 2020 we passed the National air scenting search dog assessment to become a level 2 Hasty dog team. This meant we were restricted to searching 25 metres either side of a path. Our next step was to progress to an area search dog team. Rufus is a confident dog that likes to range, area searching plays to his strengths and we soon progressed and qualified as an area search dog team in December 2021.
Rufus is a German Wire Haired Pointer bred from a working gun dog. Typical to his breed he is high energy, driven to work and head strong. His strong work drive makes him keen to search and keeps him focussed on the task and with his Pointer nose he has an amazing capacity to pick scent up at a distance.
The dog training is one big game of hide and seek with lots of praise and play, from an early stage it was clear Rufus loved it as he was always enthusiastic to do more. I have learnt so much more about Rufus through the training and it is a great feeling working with your dog as a team.
In 2019 I became the Treasurer of Dorset Search Dogs and the Lowland Rescue moto ” 100% professional 100% voluntary” came to mean so much more when I realised the personal cost to team members who care for their dogs and dedicate their time freely to support Search and Rescue. As a team we are very grateful to local fundraisers, sponsors and grant makers who help provide the much needed funds required to purchase the technical equipment that helps keeps us safe and gives the missing person the best chance of survival when found.