“Brilliant” performance from Sarah and Finley at requalification.

Sunday 3rd June 2018 was a very hot day but nevertheless Sarah and Finley passed their Level 2 requalification to remain a key operational member – going out in all weathers to save life and limb!  Their performance was described as “brilliant”.

Search Dog Finley and handler Sarah undertook the hour long assessment to maintain their operational status. The very dry and hot conditions present a real challenge for detecting scent and made the task of finding people  harder for search dog Finley . But he was not deterred by this and with his expert nose and Sarah’s direction found all three people.  Throughout the search Finley’s welfare was monitored by giving him  water and rest  breaks.

Handler Sarah sent her thanks to all the team members who have volunteered their time to help  train Finley and to Steve for providing operational support and transport.

Dorset Search Dogs extend their warm thanks to Berkshire Search Dogs for hosting the event and to the Natioal Assessors and volunteer Dogs Bodies


Trainee search dog Harvey sadly loses a brave battle with cancer

Sadly last month trainee search dog Harvey died from a brain tumour. Harvey was  a very cheeky cocker spaniel who loved to train. Harvey joined the team after completing the Beginner and Intermediate course, he continued his training as a level one dog and was showing great promise. The team send their condolences to handler Nick and partner Sarah at this sad time.